Sunday, August 19, 2007

the emotions of a mother

Well, I moved my son into college this weekend, I have cried a river. It is incredible the emotions a mother can have. I am incrediblly proud of my son. He is maturing into a fantastic young man and yet I cried more than I have cried in a very long time. I have to check myself every few minutes as I find myself wanting to call and see what he's doing. I guess the next few days will be tougher than I thought. I really had planned for things to calm down and us to settle into a routine. I still have two boys at home that keep me very busy, 7 and 3. But after investing the last 11 years of my life into the education of 18 yr old, you see we homeschool, I miss him tremendously. After watching one child make some really bad choices, I have to guard against all these terrible thoughts. I know this one is in the Lord's hands now. He is going to be home on weekends, at least most of them, and yet I still know it will never be the same. It is time for him to move on into manhood. I sure hope he calls.......
Jodie -

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